Monday 17 June 2013

Success, Decisions and Experience

-Sir, what is the secret of your success?
     -Two words.
-And, what are they?
     -Right decisions.
-And how do you make right decisions?
     -One word.
-And, what is that?
-And how do you get that good experience.
     -Two words.
-And, Sir, what are they?
     -Wrong decisions.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Not the Whole World

Sometimes I think the whole world is against me, but I know this is not true. Some small countries are neutral.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Doctor Doctor

-Doctor, nobody understands me.
    -What do you mean by that?
-Doctor, nobody believes me.
    -Tell me the truth, what's your real problem?
-Doctor, I have the feeling of being like a bell.
    -Go home, if the feeling persist give me a ring.
-Doctor, I feel like people is not interested in anything I say.
-Doctor, I feel like a spoon.
    -Sit there and don't stir.
-Doctor, people tell me that I am like a wheelbarrow.
    -Don't let them push you around.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

A Man called Incredible

A couple had a child and called him "Incredible", because they thought he would do incredible things in his life. But the truth is that, far from being so, Incredible had a very dull and quiet life. He got married and was faithful to his wife during 60 years.
His friends always made fun of him because his name didn't match his lifestyle. So, before he died, he asked his wife not to write his name in the gravestone, in order to avoid further jokes after his death.
When he finally died, the wife followed his instructions, and just wrote on the gravestone: "Here lies a man who was faithful to his wife for 60 years."
When people passed by his tomb and read the epitaph, they said: "Incredible!"

Time is like a Kebab