Wednesday, 10 November 2010


- Optimistic thinks the glass is half full.

- Pesimistic thinks the glass is half empty.

- Realistic thinks the glass is half filled.

- Alcoholic thinks that someone should drink the vodka in the glass as soon as possible.

- The critic thinks that the glass is fucking ugly.

- The philosopher thinks the relationship of the glass and the liquid inside should be thoroughly inspected from multiple points of view.

- Cynist doesn't even believe there is anything in the glass.

- American thinks the drink in the glass should be sugared and that his double XXL fries should arrive already.

- Teenager doesn't give a fuck about the fucking glass.

- Jesus thinks the water in the glass shall turn to wine.

- Muslim thinks the glass insults his religion.

- Aboriginal thinks the transparent object is cursed.

- Racist thinks the glass should get the fuck out of his country.

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